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Georgianwood Inpatient Program
Georgianwood Inpatient Program

Georgianwood Program Inpatient Welcome Guide 
Georgianwood Program
Inpatient Welcome Guide
The Georgianwood Inpatient Program is a 12-week residential treatment program and provides care to patients 18+ experiencing a Concurrent Disorder (diagnosed with both a Mental Health Disorder and Substance Use Disorder at the same time). It is one of the only specialty integrated residential Concurrent Disorders Programs in our region and is held on a 15-bed unit that provides group-based skill development. Please note that while individual therapy is not offered on the Georgianwood Program, individuals attending treatment will collaborate closely with a Primary Nurse and the care team to address goals and concerns. 

Based on best practice, the program has a fully integrated curriculum that treats the addiction and the mental illness at the same time by the same team in a cohesive way. Treatment includes:
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy
  • Skills training for major mental illnesses
  • Seeking Safety from substances
  • SMART Recovery for relapse prevention skills
  • 12-Step Meetings available to attend such as AA
A graduated schedule of passes is used in the Georgianwood Program to allow you to visit your home community on weekends, allowing first-hand exposure to triggers and risk factors that might interfere with your recovery. Each Monday, these risk factors are identified and discussed and you will work with your care team to develop skills and strategies to deal with them. 

Admission to the program is voluntary. You are required to detox for a minimum of 72 hours prior to admission and come free from serious physical/medical complications and without pending legal charges. If you are having difficulty with this, please contact us for advice prior to coming.
