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Waypoint is a creative, energetic, fast-paced organization that embraces our core values - caring, respect, accountability and innovation, and our mission as a Catholic Hospital committed to providing excellence in specialized mental health and addictions services grounded in research and education, and guided by faith-based values. 

Under a promise of Advancing Understanding. Improving Lives., Waypoint is a fully accredited hospital. We value our employees and strive for a quality workplace environment providing lifelong learning, growth and well-being. Our work is guided by our Strategic Plan and our Clinical Services Plan that focuses on the ideal patient experience. 

We are recognized for the provision of exceptional care to those most needing mental health services in the region and province, research of severe behaviours associated with mental illness and for our contributions to the understanding of mental illness. 

Waypoint is committed to a comprehensive research and academics strategy which is moving us forward in knowledge translation and best practice implementation.

NEW! Nursing Incentives 

Community Commitment Program for Nurses (CCPN)

In an effort to attract Registered Nurses (RNs), Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) the Community Commitment Program for Nurses (CCPN) provides $25,000 in grant funding to eligible nurses in exchange for a two-year commitment to an eligible employer.

Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care is proud to take part in this program as a participating organization. Please let the recruitment team know if you are eligible to participate and we will submit an application to the CCPN for approval if hired into a full-time position no later than March 31, 2025.

Tuition Support Program (TSPN)

The Tuition Support Program for Nurses (TSPN) offers tuition reimbursement to recent nursing graduates from rural and remote communities who are new College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) registrants and who choose to do a return-of-service (ROS) in an eligible community. The program is open to nurse practitioner, registered nurse and registered practical nurse graduates who apply within one year of graduating from a Canadian university or college.

Waypoint is an eligible rural and remote community under this program. Please visit Northern Health Programs | to learn more. 

Waypoint and CCHL Alliance

cchl partnership Waypoint has entered into a strategic alliance with the Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL) to increase the leadership capabilities of health care managers in Canada.

Through this agr
eement, eligible employees of Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care will work towards obtaining their Certified Health Executive (CHE) designation, the only certification program for all Canadian health leaders. This strategic alliance offers individual leaders several benefits including support for lifelong learning in health services leadership; assistance with career advancement; peer recognition and also serves as an essential career designation.

To learn more, click here

Excellence CanadaJoin Our Award Winning Culture
Waypoint is the proud recipient of a 2022 Certificate of Merit from Excellence Canada recognizing the hospital’s many years of commitment to workplace mental health and wellness. 

As an Essentials Recipient Waypoint is part of a group of businesses and organizations being recognized with a Mental Health at Work® Award, the requirements of which include the implementation of the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace.